How will Tucows obtain my consent?

We plan on launching two new consent-related processes:

  1. An initial consent request
    We will send every domain owner a consent request as part of the domain registration, transfer, or owner update process, unless we already have consent on file for that consent group. In the consent request, we will disclose all the uses of your personal data that are required by contract in order for us to provide the requested domain service. We will also request consent from you for those data uses where our legal basis is your consent. In cases where we do already have consent on file, we will process the new registration based on those existing consent choices.
  2. A method for you to update consent preferences and revoke consent
    Once you’ve provided consent, you will be given access to a data use consent settings page where you can review and modify your consent choices on an ongoing basis, or revoke your consent at any time. 

To obtain the URL for your data use consent settings page, please contact your domain provider. If your domain provider is unreachable or uncooperative, please reach out to the Tucows compliance team.